sexta-feira, 9 de abril de 2010

Download IV-MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R3


Hoje dia 9 saiu uma atualização que corrigiu diversos bugs que háviam no IV-MP. Estou disponibilizando o download do Cliente e do Servidor. Não vou colocar o link do download das versões anteriores porque esta é a mais instavel atualmente.
Faça o download agorada.


Senha para descompactar:

Veja a lista dos bugs que foram corrigidos. Clique em LEIA MAIS (Read More) logo abaixo!
(Em ingles)

Alpha 2:
- Fixed getPlayerCoordinates and getVehicleCoordinates.
- Added network stats window when f4 is held.
- Fixed compile errors for other devs.
- Fixed #0000047 (/q works, /Q not).
- Added path illigal char removing from script names.
- Heavily reduced sync structure size.
- Added send rates to the sync.
- Fixed f2 key spamming chat.
- Removed skin selection (Which also means the onPlayerSpawnRequest function is now inexistant).
- Added history function to the input window.
- Fixed port not being removed from ip when using quick connect.
- Re added the password feature to the client and server.
- Added setVehicleColor native.
- Added getVehicleModel native.
- Fixed screenshots.
- Fixed the server browser.
- Fixed the screenshot function.
- Fixed the 'scriptinfo' console command.
- Fixed input window limit being too high.
- Fixed commandline.txt and enb series not working.
- Fixed sync problems when experiancing server lag.
- Fixed server browser.
- Fixed main menu disabling for the input window.
- Fixed input window keys.
- Fixed input window re enabling on spawn when the chat window is open.
- Fixed /v in cp.nut script.
- Added getPlayerIp native.
- Added isPlayerInVehicle native.
- Removed some useless code from isPlayerInAnyVehicle code.
- Fixed getVehicleCoordinates returning wrong value when vehicle does not exist.
- If onPlayerText returns anything other than 1 global chat will not show.
- Empty vehicle sync now only gets sent if the player is within 100 meters of the vehicle.
- Added togglePlayerRagdoll native.
- Removed cutscene skins.

Alpha 2 R2:
- Fixed server sending empty packet back instead of a 'PONG' packet.
- Fixed server crashing when a space was sent a console input.
- Removed linux ip debug messages.
- Added new server callback (onConsoleOutput), returning anything other than 1 will cancel the output (Message will not show).
- Added linux server package.

Alpha 2 R3:
- Fixed server browser ping.
- Renamed getPlayerVehicleID to getPlayerVehicleId.
- Fixed some vehicle and player natives.
- Added a banlist to the master list.
- Modules will no longer crash when they fail to load.
- Removed the model debug messages.
- Fixed passenger sync and vehicle entry and vehicle entry canceling.
- Fixed input window history working when the input window is disabled.
- Temporarly disabled empty vehicle sync.
- Fixed not being able to use unicode characters in the input window.
- Changed circular blips to square blips.
- Fixed the new square player blips being too big.

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